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Elizabeth HughesElizabeth Hughes — Artist’s Biography & Statement

Studio: Newport, RI
Born: Los Angeles, CA | 1960
Died: Newport, RI | February 4, 2024

“I began my adventure of artistic expression first as a dancer, then as a writer and poet. In my painting, I stay connected to the rhythm, form, and emotion that I first encountered dancing. Later on, my writing taught me how to let word influence my work as a visual artist.

I moved into visual art after visiting Mexico in 1993 to study Frida Kahlo on a Kinnicutt Grant from the Worcester Art Museum. I have studied collage, printmaking, drawing, and painting at The Worcester Art Museum. I continue to study, explore, and learn with each new piece — each new destination on my creative journey.

I am drawn to the exploration of the external and internal landscape. Using color and shape to interpret these landscapes — one of nature and another of the mind — I hope to convey a moment, a place, an emotion in time that edges toward the timeless. I feel the mystical in the landscape and in the creative process. It can be challenging to get this elusive quality down on paper or canvas within the confines of the chosen medium. I sometimes seem to lack the skill, the discipline, the faith to capture this feeling of timelessness. Yet I persevere toward communication with, and connection to, a sublime intimation of truth and beauty.

I have exhibited at many venues over the last 25 years, primarily in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Currently I have work at Roughan McCarthy in Newport and The Mandala Way in Newport, RI. My work can be found periodically in shows at The Portsmouth Arts Guild in Portsmouth, RI, Spring Bull Gallery in Newport, and The Deblois Gallery in Middletown, RI.”